Reflection of the idea of Monarchy and Religion in the Coins of the Qajarid period

Volume 16, Issue 30, May 2022, Pages 73-112


Siavash Amraee; Jahanbakhah Savagheb; Sahmdin Khazaei; Shahab Shahidani

The position of non-religious factors in victory of Arab Moslem in conquest of Iran

Volume 15, Issue 29, November 2021, Pages 75-101


Zahra Jahan; Mohammadtaghi Imanpour; Javad Abbasi; Hossain Moftakhari

Osmaniye Thought and Ahmad-Ibn-Hanbal's Motivations in Presenting the Discourse of Tarbi'a

Volume 16, Issue 31, December 2022, Pages 75-107


Masoud Bahramian; Mahdi Salah; Ahmad Falahzadeh

The Rise and Fall of the Monarchies in Iran in Six Stages (Case Study of the Qajar Dynasty)

Volume 17, Issue 32, April 2023, Pages 75-92


Alireza Biabannavard Sarvestani; Keramat allah Rasekh