Iran oil Nationalization’s Image in America Documents


    Iran oil industry nationalization following by august 28th coup d'état, and the political actions of the other countries involved in this issue has been considered from many aspects by researchers. But, no research has ever been conducted based on the American documents and press which had significant role in that time of Iran history. The present study, based on an historical analysis method with an emphasize on America foreign ministry and the New York times documents, presents a clear picture of the America’s politicians position and their perceptions in oil nationalization and the failure of doctor Mosadegh in Iran. In fact, the main issue followed by this study is to find out the America government and social attitudes towards the oil industry and Mosadegh appointment have been based on what principles, and also it is finding an answer regarding Mosadegh’s failure political and historical causes.


روزنامةکیهان، 28 دی ماه 1331.
اسناد نفت (1330) تهران: اداره کل انتشارات و تبلیغات،
بیل جیمز، راجر لو یس ویلیام، (1368) مصدق، نفت، ناسیونالیسم ایرانی. ترجمه عبدالرضا هوشنگ مهدوی و کاوه بیات. تهران: نشر نو.
پهلوی محمدرضا، (۱۳۷۱) پاسخ به تاریخ. ترجمة حسین ابو ترابیان. چاپ اول. تهران.
ذوقی، ایرج، (1380) رفتار سیاسی آمریکا در قبال نهضت ملی شدن صنعت نفت ایران. تهران: مرکز اسناد و تاریخ دیپلماسی.
ام. وودهاوس (1368) اسرار کودتای 28 مرداد شرح عملیات چکمه (آج اکس). ترجمة نظام دربندی. چاپ دوم. تهران: آوگان.
مصدق، محمد (۱۳۷۵) خاطرات و تالمات. به کوشش ایرج افشار. چاپ هشتم. تهران: انتشارات علمی.
نجاتی، غلامرضا (1378) جنبش ملی شدن صنعت نفت ایران و کودتای 28 مرداد 1332. چاپ هشتم. تهران: انتشارات شرکت سهامی انتشار.
یرواند آبراهامیان. (1384) ایران بین دو انقلاب. ترجمة: احمد گل محمدی و محمد ابراهیم فتاحی. چاپ یازدهم. تهران: نشر نی.
Nosratollah Amini. Interview recorded by Zia Sedghi, 11, 14 May, 3, 5 June 1983, Annandale, Virginia. Iranian Oral History Collection, Harvard University.
New York Times Newspaper.
The Washington Post
Oral History Interview with George C. McGhee, by Richard D. McKinzie, Harry S. Truman Library, Washington, D.C. June 11, 1975
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, Telegram, WASHINGTON, March 17, 1951. F.R.U.S 888.2553 AIOC/3-1751.
Report From Henderson to Secretary of State, March 15, 1951. F.R.U.S 788.13/13-1551.
F.R.U.S 888.2553 AIOC/3-1751: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, WASHINGTON, March 17, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553 AIOC/ 4-175: Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs (Rountree), [WASHINGTON], April 17, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553 AIOC/4- 1851: Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs (Rountree), [WASHINGTON), April 18, 1951.
F.R.U.S 781.13/ 5-251: Telegram: The Ambassador in Iran (Grady) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, May 2, 1951.
F.R.U.S 788.00/5-751: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Grady) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, May 7, 1951.
For more details see F.R.U.S 788.13/5-1051: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, WASHINGTON, May 10, 1951
F.R.U.S 888.2553/ 5-1651: Telegram, The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Department of State, LONDON, May 16, 1951.
F.R.U.S 788.13/5-1051: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, WASHINGTON, May 10, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/5-1151: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, WASHINGTON, May 11, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/5-3151 Memorandum of Conversation, by the Second Secretary of the Embassy in Iran (Statesman), TEHRAN, May 31, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/5-3151, President Truman to Prime Minister Attlee, WASHINGTON, May 31, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888888.2553 AIOC/6-151, President Truman to Prime Minister Mosadeq, WASHINGTON, June 1, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553 AIOC/6-1451: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Grady) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, June 14, 1951.
F.R.U.S, Editorial Note No. 29, FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1952-1954, VOLUME X,p65-66.
F.R.U S/P-NSC files. Lot 62 D 1, NSC 107 Series, Statement of Policy Proposed by the National Security Council, [WASHINGTON June 27, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/6-2851, Prime Minister Mosadeq to President Truman, [TEHRAN, June 28, 1951).
F.R.U.S 888.255317-151: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Grady) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, July 1, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.255317-1751: Telegram, The Special Assistant to the President (Harriman) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, July 17, 195.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/8-2251: Telegram, The Special Assistant to the President (Harriman) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, August 22, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/8-3051: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Grady) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, August 30, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/9-2151, Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State, CABINET MEETING, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/9-2551: Telegram, The Charge in Iran (Richards) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, September 25, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/9-2651: Telegram, The Charge in the United Kingdom (Holmes) to the Department of State, London, September 27, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/!0-2351. Memorandum of Conversation, by Colonel Vernon Walters, WASHINGTON, October 23, 1951. [Present: President of the United States, Secretary of State Acheson, Prime Minister Mossadegh, Lt. Colonel Walters].
F.R.U.S 888.2fili3/ll-751: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Department of State, PARIS, November 7, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/11-1051: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Department of State, PARIS, November 10, 1951.
F.R.U.S 788.13/11-2851: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, November 28, 1951.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/12-2651: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, December 26, 1951.
States and the United Kingdom at the Department of State, January 9, 1952.
F.R.U.S 888.2553/1-1252: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, January 12, 1952.
F.R.U.S 888.1011-1552: Telegram, The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, January 15, 1952.
F.R.U.S Truman papers, PSF -Subject file, Memorandum by Paul A. Borel, Office of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency, to the Director of Central Intelligence (Smith), WASHINGTON, 17 January 1952.
F.R.U.S 641.88/2-752: Telegram, The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, WASHINGTON, February 7, 1952.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, January 29, 1952. F.R.U.S Telegram 888.10/1-2952.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, July 28, 1952, F.R.U.S Telegram 788.1317-2852.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, July 30, 1952, F.R.U.S Telegram 788.1317-3052.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, July 31, 1952, F.R.U.S Telegram, 788.1317-3152.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, August 27, 1952, F.R.U.S Telegram, 888.2553/8-2752.
NSC 136: United States Policy Regarding the Present Situation in Iran", Statement of Policy Proposed by the National Security Council, WASHINGTON, November 20, 1952.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, February 14, 1953,F.R.U.S Telegram, 888.2553/2-1453.
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran, WASHINGTON, February 19, 1953, F.R.U.S Telegram, 888.2553/2-1953.
Memorandum Prepared in the Office of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency, for the President, S/P-NSC files, lot 61 D 167, "Iran, US Policy Regarding the Present Situation, NSC ll7, 136, 136/1, WASHINGTON, 1 March 1953.
Memorandum of Discussion at the 135th Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, March 4. 1953. F.R.U.S 1951-1954. Doc. NO 312.p 392.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, March 31, 1953, F.R.U.S, Telegram, 788.00/3-3153.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, May 20, 1953,, F.R.U.S,, Telegram, 110.11 DU/S-2053.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, May 26, 1953,, F.R.U.S,, Telegram, 4535: 110.11DU/5-2653.
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State, TEHRAN, May 30, 1953, F.R.U.S, Telegram, 788.11/5-3053.
Department of State Bulletin, July 20, 1953,, F.R.U.S, Telegram, 70; 888.255317-1053