Zubara City and Independency of Qatar.


    Zubara was the Most Important City of Qatar Peninsula in 18th Century. Zubara, located in al-Shamal Province of Qatar Sheikdom today, is a Historical City of the Country and is Famous for Its Historical Monuments, especially Zubara Castle (Built in 1938, Added to UNESCO World Heritage List by June 2013). Qatar Peninsula was a Dried Land with a Bad Clime until the Establishment of Zubara by Atub Tribe. There was no Real City in the Peninsula and Actually Uncivilized Qatar was Arena of Tribes whom was tributary of Neighbor Rulers. The Establishment of Zubara Really Boomed Qatar; Regional Countries and European Colonial Powers Such as France and Britain Paid Attention to Qatar Peninsula. Although Colonial Interferences and Tribal Disputes Destructed the City Later  on. This Paper Uses Historical Grounds and Survey the Establishment of a City in Southern Shores of Persian Gulf as a Case Study ; The Article will Check the Impact of Zubara Establishment on Persian Gulf Political Events during 18th Century and Especially Independency of Qatar.


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