Clerics played a pivotal role and influence in the educational, socio -governmental structure of the Safavid era. Therefore, in order to understand the social status of clerics, it is necessary to survey and specify general educational process and their diverse social ties. Hence, in the present research as for to the trend of historical sources the investigator set out to response this question: What educational, personality and professional process in Safavid Iran determined the social characteristics of clerics? To answer this question, the present study uses the method of historical research and classification of effective social trends in the Safavid period to analyze and interpret these characteristics and their effects on the situation of clerics. Due to lack of coherent research on the social characteristics of clerics in the Safavid era, the findings suggest that the interest of different classes of society and the Safavid rule to educational and cultural affairs had developed and increased educational training which in turn led to elevate the position and effective role of different clerics in various fields of social life during the Safavid era. In addition, society acceptance depended on personal and behavioral considerations such as the scientific and moral reputation of the clerics and finally, all these factors promoted the legitimacy of the Safavid dynasty.
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Mahdi Dehghani. "Social characteristics of clerics in the Safavid period (1501-1722)". Journal of Historical Researches of Iran and Islam, 16, 30, 2022, 183-206. doi: 10.22111/jhr.2021.38172.3114
Dehghani, M. (2022). 'Social characteristics of clerics in the Safavid period (1501-1722)', Journal of Historical Researches of Iran and Islam, 16(30), pp. 183-206. doi: 10.22111/jhr.2021.38172.3114
Dehghani, M. Social characteristics of clerics in the Safavid period (1501-1722). Journal of Historical Researches of Iran and Islam, 2022; 16(30): 183-206. doi: 10.22111/jhr.2021.38172.3114