Educational programs and resources of Safavid era madrasah based on travelogues of European tourists


Assistant Professor, Department of Social Studies, Farhangian UniversityTehran.Iran


Due to political developments and relations, the Safavid period is a period in which European tourists traveled to Iran for various reasons more than before, and as a result, many travelogues were written compared to the past. Safavid-era madrasahs, as the most important center of education, were considered by some tourists, the most prominent of which are Chardin, Tavernier and Kempfer. The question is, what are the views of European tourists about education in Safavid madrasahs and its educational programs? This article tries to analyze and critique the reports and opinions of foreign tourists about the programs and educational resources of this course through analytical method and citing library sources. Research findings show that European tourists often compare Iranian madrasah curricula with the European education system and as a result find it irregular and chaotic, which sometimes seems pessimistic. In introducing educational resources, they have paid more attention to non-religious sciences such as mathematics, astronomy, that is, what has been familiar to them.


Main Subjects


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