Osmaniye Thought and Ahmad-Ibn-Hanbal's Motivations in Presenting the Discourse of Tarbi'a


1 PhD in Islamic history and Researcher

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Humanities and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran.

3 Researcher and PhD in Islamic history


Following the assassination of the third caliph in 35 A.H. and the imposed wars upon Imam Ali the ground was prepared for the rise of Osmaniye thought in a part of Islamic world. The Umayyads
attempts to marginalize Imam Ali's virtues through their narrators network played a widespread role and later The Abbasid's political campaigns in internalizing and perpetuating this thought and theory, perspectively. After the fall of Umayyads and ascending of Abbasids to the throne and with the maturity of Ahl-e-Hadis, Ahmad-Ibn-Hanbal (164-241 A. H.) contributed to the Islamic solidarity through introducing Tarbi'a thought, i.e. accepting Imam Ali as the fourth caliph. The present research attempts to consider this thought through analyzing and describing the history of this thought. It also resolves to answer the question of" what have been the backgrounds of Tarbi'a in Ibn-Hanbal's perspective?". The findings of this research suggest that with the help of Ahl-e-Bayt and influence of Hadis narrators famous for their love of Ahl-e-Bayt, Ibn-e Hanbal set out to answer intellectual questions of his age, mitigate verbal disputes and carry out religious desensitizing in society. This research, based on the" sovereignty symmetry and religious belief-making" approach and through considering Hadis changes in the third century, set out to analyze and describe Tarbi'a in Ahmad-Ibn-Hanbal's perspectives. 

Main Subjects

  • ligious as Political and the Political as Religious: Globalisation, Post-Secularism and the Shifting Boundaries of the Sacred, Journal Politics, Religion & Ideology , Vol.15, 2014 - Issue 3.

    İPEK, İbrahim, DİN-SİYASET-İLİŞKİSİ-DÜNÜ-BUGÜNÜ-GELECEĞİ, Toplum ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, Yıl 2018, Cilt , Sayı 2, Sayfalar.



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