The Rise and Fall of the Monarchies in Iran in Six Stages (Case Study of the Qajar Dynasty)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, Sociology Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran


The history of Iran has always witnessed the six stages of formation to collapse of various dynasties, and this continuous process can be seen especially in the Qajar period. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the rise and fall of the royal dynasties according to the six stages in Iran and to examine this process in the era of the Qajar dynasty. The research method is analytical and based on the research process in new historical sociology, in the sense that the process of the establishment and fall of a royal family or a government is investigated in a six-fold process, which includes the weakness and inefficiency of the central government; activation of centrifugal currents; collapse of the government system; The loss of authority of the government, the spread of rebellion and the increase of insecurity with the invasion of foreigners or internal chaos; the appearance of a mighty savior; And finally, the suppression of centripetal currents is the provision of security and the beginning of a new authoritarianism. The findings of the research show that Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar was established following the inefficiency of the Zandiyeh government, the activation of the centrist movement in the late 18th century, the collapse of the Zandiyeh government system, and the loss of the authority of the central government. The Qajar dynasty also declined in the early 20th century with the assassination of Naser al-Din Shah and the unrest caused by the tobacco movement and the constitutional revolution, and Reza Shah Pahlavi took his place in a similar process. The general result of the study shows the existence of the same trend in historical developments in several recent dynasties, especially until the Qajar period.


Main Subjects

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