The political crises of al-Sham in the 6th century with an emphasis on the role of the Nizari Ismailis led by Rashid Al-Din Sinan


1 PhD student Department of History, Yadgar-e- Imam Khomeini(RAH), Shahre REY Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of , Yadgar-e- Imam Khomeini(RAH), Shahre REY Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch, Tehran, Iran.


For various reasons, the Nizaris (Arabic: النزاریون,  al-Nizāriyyūn) had fundamental differences with the rulers of Syria, and the sixth century was the peak of their conflict with the rulers and supporters of the Abbasid Caliphate. These conflicts increased with the entry of Rashid ad-Din Sinan  into the political arena, and as a result, during his leadership, the Nizarians gained impressive and even restraining power, but after his death and following the rise of the Ayyubid sultans they became the protectors and allies of the Sunni religion,the Abbasid caliphate and the control of the caliphs over the Levant decreased the military and strategic power of the NazaritesAlthough they continued to exist as a religious sect, but with the rise of the Ayyubids and Mamluks as supporters of the Abbasid Caliphate, the Sunni religion, the Ash'ari school, and enmity with the Fatimids of Egypt, turned enmity towards the Nazarites .The continuation of these conflicts brought political, social, religious, etc. crises.The Nizarians, who were a Shiite minority in the Sunni majority society, made many efforts to get out of this crisis.This research, relying on the historical method and referring to archival and library sources with a descriptive-analytical approach, aims to answer the question: What role did the Nizari Ismailis under the leadership of Rashid-uddin Sinan in the management of political crises in "Sham" (Syria).The investigations showed that the set of these factors caused the divergence and conflict of the discourse thought of the Nizarians and the Seljuks, the Abbasids and the Ayyubid rulers. In the meantime, Rashiduddin Sinan designed and planned three strategies against the political developments of "Sham". First, reconciliation with the Ayyubids to increase the power of the Nasserites. Second, the mobilization of some missionary of da’wa in other Islamic lands, third, the reorganization of Ismaili missionary of da'wa    in the fight against the opposition. With these actions, the theological and religious foundations of the Nasserites of Syria were strengthened and they were able to resist the Crusaders, Ayyubids and Abbasid caliphs.


Main Subjects

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