The Role of the Mosque in spreading Shia education in the Safavid Era society


Lorestan University


The important action of Shah Ismail I (907-930 A.H.) in recognizing the Shia religion in Iran, and establishing a link between religion and politics in the Safavid government, played a major role in creating political unity and forming national and territorial identity.
After the formation of the government, the Safavids realized that they needed extensive cultural and civilizational measures to establish this religion in the society and institutionalize it.
These measures were made possible by utilizing the capacity of religious institutions and Shiite scholars. Safavid made extensive efforts for cultural and civil measures in line with the policy of Shiite of the society and stabilization of the position of this religion.
By building mosques as a religious base that had the task of promoting Shia belief and jurisprudence in society, and by rebuilding Shia shrines and Imamzadeh mosque, the Safavids were able to institutionalize and expand Shi’ism in Iranian culture and expand mosques and build religious buildings. The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of the mosque in disseminating Shia education in the Iranian society of the Safavid era, in a descriptive-analytical way. The findings of the research have shown that during the Safavid era, with the expansion of the tradition of building mosques and rebuilding and reforming previous mosques, this religious base was used favorably with the help of Shia scholars in promoting and disseminating Shia knowledge in the society.


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