Analysis of Positions of Foreign Powers (Russia and England) in Confrontation with the Constitutional Movement in Iran and Constitutionalism Thought in Afghanistan


1 Ph.D. Student of Iranian History after Islam, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of History Department. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Sistan, Iran


Iran and Afghanistan, two pivotal nations in West Asia, have consistently attracted the attention of foreign powers, particularly England and Russia, which have sought to exert their influence. This research aimed to examine the policies of England and Russia toward the constitutional movements in Iran and Afghanistan during the early twentieth century. Additionally, it analyzed the behaviors and actions of England and Russia in response to these movements, paying close attention to their relations and conflicts with the constitutional movements. The following sections assessed the consequences of these two powers on the international relations of the region and the world, measuring their role in the contemporary developments of the constitutional periods in Iran and Afghanistan. This paper, utilizing historical sources and documents in Persian, Russian, and English, aimed to provide a new and comprehensive perspective on the policies of major powers in responding to the constitutional movement in Iran and constitutionalist thought in Afghanistan. The research findings revealed that Russia openly and militarily intervened against the constitutional movement in Iran, while England was clandestinely and diplomatically involved against constitutionalist thought in Afghanistan. The study also highlighted the significant role of coordination between these two powers in opposing the constitutional movement. The results of this research contribute to a clearer understanding of contemporary movements for people's freedom.


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