Backgrounds and factors of Khwaja Marjan's rebellion in Baghdad against Jalayirid


1 Assistant Professor of history of Islamic Iran, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.

2 PhD in of history of Islamic Iran, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran



Khwaja Marjan was one of the Emirs of the late Ilkhanid period, who served Emir Hassan Jalayirid. As a result of the conflict between local contenders for power, she played an important role in consolidating the rule of Jalayirid in Baghdad. But during the time of Sultan Uwais (757-776 AH) and in her absence, she suddenly rebelled in Baghdad and declared war against her Sultan (765-766 AH). Based on historical, and literary sources and numismatic studies and with a descriptive-analytical approach, the present research seeks to answer this question, what were the reasons for Khaja Marjan's rebellion in Baghdad against her government? The analysis is based on the fact that in the context of the internal factors of Khajah Marjan's rebellion, it occurred in the context of a power vacuum and the continuation of political instability caused by the disintegration of the Ilkhanate's centralized government in the long term. Also, the influence of the Jalayirid governance model based on the rule of Siorghal and the custom of imposing taxes on waqf properties should not be overlooked. More importantly, in the context of external factors, the role and involvement of the Mamluks of Egypt should be mentioned. In the political dimension, the Mamluks followed the formation of a dependent government in Baghdad. In the religious dimension, Khwaja Marjan's rebellion, due to their intervention, had a religious nature with the aim of restoring the caliphate in Baghdad.


Main Subjects

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